Hales Corners Health Department
The mission of the Hales Corners Health Department is to improve and protect the health of the community, assure optimum health and wellness, prevent disease, injury and disability, and prepare for new health threats.
To create an environment dedicated to optimizing the health and well-being of all members of the community through services based on education, promotion, prevention and preparedness.
Healthy Aging
Improving Emotional Well-Being
Promoting Healthy
We look forward to continuing to find ways to serve our residents in our community!
Paper copies are available at the Health Department!
Healthy Happenings
The Hales Corners Board of Health is comprised of five voting members, and one ex-officio member. Board of Health meetings are held quarterly. Current Board of Health members are Jillian Theobald, MD, Bette Schubert, RN, Dennis Garvin, ANP, Mary Bennett, Village Trustee, and Mike Jansen, citizen member. Shawna Gabriel, Health Officer, is an ex-officio member of the Board of Health.
Click on Departments & Services above and hover over Health Department for information on Health Department services, a variety of health topics, and information and application forms for licenses issued through the Health Department.
The Hales Corners Health Department can be reached by calling 414-529-6155 during normal business hours. If you are a physician, hospital, or public health agency calling after hours with a condition of urgent public health importance, please contact the Hales Corners Police Department at 529-6140 and your call will be forwarded to a Health Department official.