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On November 12, 2007, the Village Board established a Storm Water Utility in the Village of Hales Corners.  The Utility was established for several reasons.  Most notably, the Federal Clean Water Act Amendment of 1987, the Federal Storm Water Management Program (40 CRF, Part 122), the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), and Wisconsin Administrative Code Chapter NR-216 require that the Village and other communities comply with more stringent rules and regulations regarding storm water management.  One component of these regulations is a Storm Water Permit, and the costs to comply with the permit are ongoing and increasing over time. 

The management of storm water and other surface water discharges within and beyond the Village’s boarders is a matter that affects the public health, safety, and welfare of the Village, its residents, its businesses, and others in the surrounding area.  Failure to effectively manage storm water and other surface water discharge from already developed property may create, among other things, erosion of lands, threaten businesses and residences with water damage, and create sedimentation and other environmental damage. 

The costs of operating and maintaining the Village’s Storm Water Management System, ensuring regulatory compliance, and financing necessary plans, studies, repairs, replacement, improvements, and extension thereof are now being allocated among all properties in the Village.  Residential properties will see an additional special charge on their tax bills for the Storm Water Utility.  Commercial and institutional properties will pay for their portion of the Storm Water Utility as part of their quarterly sewer bills.

Click below for the resolution adopting the Storm Water Utility. 

 Storm Water Utility Ordinance