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Next Plan Commission Meeting

Monday, January 20, 6:30 PM

View the meeting Agenda here

Plan Commission Application Types


Site Plan Review

The Plan Commission may review a site plan, or parts of a site plan, when the Zoning Ordinance indicates the requirement is needed. The Plan Commission determine consistency with the Village Code and Comprehensive Plan

According to Municipal Code, some sign permits require a Site Plan Review. While these applications do not require all of the plans required for a full site review, they do require site plan renderings considerations such as location of all existing and proposed signage on a site in relation to the right-of-way, property lines, and distance from building.

Temporary Use

To hear and grant applications for temporary uses in any district, provided that such uses are of a temporary nature, do not involve the erection of a substantial structure and are compatible with the neighboring uses and the Plan Commission has made a review and recommendation. The permit shall be temporary, revocable, subject to any condition required by the Board of Appeals and shall be issued for a period not to exceed 12 months. Compliance with all other provisions of this chapter shall be required.

Conditional Use Permit

Any non-prohibited land use requiring additional advisement from Plan Commission is designated as a conditional use. Applications are reviewed by the Plan Commission and require a public hearing. Please review the Village Code on Conditional Uses when preparing an application.

Sign Plans with Electronic Message Boards require the review and approval. Applications must provite site plans showing the location of signage on site, and meet the requirements for electronic changable copy and electronic graphic display signs as outlined in the Village Code.

The Plan Commission shall review all proposed amendments to the text and Zoning Map(s) within the corporate limits and shall recommend, in writing, that the petition be granted as requested, modified or denied. A recording of the recommendation in the Plan Commission's official minutes shall constitute the required written recommendation. In arriving at its recommendation, the Commission may on occasion, of its own volition, conduct its own public hearing on proposed amendment(s).

For full procedure, see the Village Code.

The PUD Planned Unit Development Overlay District is established to encourage and promote improved environmental design in the Village of Hales Corners by allowing for greater freedom, imagination and flexibility in the development of land while ensuring substantial compliance with the basic intent of this chapter and the general plan for community development

Given the flexibility, Plan Commission reviews applications and amendments to PUDs. For full procedure, see the Village Code.

Any party requesting a special meeting of the Village Plan Commission at a time other than a regularly scheduled meeting shall file such request with the Clerk, together with a filing fee set by the Village Board. Such filing fee shall not be required if the special meeting is scheduled at the instance and request of the Hales Corners President, Village Administrator or professional planning consultant.

A preliminary subdivision plat is a map that shows the proposed layout of a subdivision. It includes the boundaries of the property, the approximate location of lots, and any proposed roads. The plat is submitted to Plan Commission for review.

A Certified Survey Map (CSM) is a map is certified by a professional land surveyor. The CSM is submitted to Plan Commission for review.

For full requirements, see the Village Code.


Regulations for moving buildings requires a vote by the Plan Comission. For full regulations for moving buildings, see the Village Code.

The Plan Commission may review applications as it pertains to stormwater management regulations, as outlined in the Village Code.

Similar to Conditional Permits outlined above, see Chapter 179 of the Village Code.


The Plan Commission meets the 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30pm at Village Hall, as needed.

Applications and fees must be submitted 45 days prior to the meeting with ALL supporting documentation (13 copies) in order for proper review and publication prior to the meeting. If your application is not complete we may delay until the next meeting. 


Click the link below for a Plan Commission Hearing Application, Sign Permit Application, or Zoning Change information.

 Plan Commission Application & Procedures

2025 Application Packet

2025 PC Mtg Dates

The Village of Hales contracts with MSA Professional Services, Inc. for the services of a Zoning Administrator. Morgan Shapiro is the village’s Zoning Administrator and is responsible for facilitating Plan Commission meetings and the review of planning and zoning applications. Questions regarding planning and zoning applications or issues can be directed to Morgan. All planning and zoning applications should be submitted to the Village Administrator along with the associated fee.

Contact Planning Services

Morgan Shapiro

MSA Professional Services, Inc.

Planning and Zoning Consultant


Plan Commission Members

D. Besson, Chair

S. Bigler

M. Eternicka

A. Fritz

S. Reimer

P. Fedele, Commissioner

C. Stipe