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Municipal Code Enforcement

Residents may file Village Code related complaints by emailing [email protected] or completing the form and mailing it in.  Please include any photos you have of the violation. A formal complaint form is not required if you email your complaint. Residents will be required to have an exact address the violation is taking place. After receiving a complaint, we first inspect the property with a drive-by inspection. If a violation is found the home owner will be contacted in person or by mail of the code violation. We give a time-frame we feel is appropriate to rectify the issue. We then proceed from there. It is our goal to work with homeowners and help maintain an appealing Village. If you see your neighbor needs help, don't be afraid to offer a helping hand. We want to be known as a community who is welcoming and comes together in times of need.

A few tips:

1) Long grass/weeds - grass must not be over 12 inches in height.

2) Garbage/Recycling Receptacles - place at the curb no more than 24 hours prior to pick-up and remove no later than 24 hours after pick-up. The same applies for Yard Waste.

3) Large Items and Excess Garbage - Call GFL Environmental at 262-679-0860 for a special pick-up and place items at the curb no sooner than the day prior to date given for pickup.

4) Rubbish, Building Materials, and other misc. junk shall not be stored on your property at anytime.

5) Vehicles - No more than 4 vehicles shall be stored on a property at anytime. All vehicles must be on an improved surface (gravel, concrete, asphalt, or pavers) - this includes recreational vehicles - and must also be legally and currently registered.